by Jerry Sirkin

Our 2020 Annual Convention and Auction was a 2-1/2 day event this year and, as in past years, held at the Marriott North Hotel. We had a great turn-out as members bid on approximately 550 lots, split just about equally over the Friday and Saturday auctions. Our records indicate that 92 members were actively selling and/or buying lots they brought to the convention or from the 8 estates that were presented for sale. The net to HVRA was just over $2,800.00 profit. A big thanks goes out to Bill Werzner and Jim Sargent for their auctioneering over the two days and keeping the schedule on track. As in past years, our auctions take a lot of muscle and time contributed by Reid Shipp, Mike Slovan, Jimmie Stewart, Gilbert Hedge, John Schmitt and Pat Zapalac getting th0se lots across the auction table and handed over to various handlers including Konrad Werzner, Abedellah Soliman, Steven Pena, John Derry, David Herlinger, Erik Stahl, John Given, Harty Logan, and if I omitted anyone’s name, I apologize. During all of these auction proceedings and for two days…..without a break, Ron Soyland, Ric Slater and Steve Scheel sat behind the auctioneers recording all bids and passes and completing the bid slips and check-outs so that all attendees would have their purchases and passed lots properly placed in the pick-up room with the accurate information necessary for their final exit. And a big thanks to Lewis Brittain, Gail Sirkin and Lois Janssen for all of their extra efforts throughout the event. Great job by all.We were treated to two superb presentations during this convention. Bill Werzner, with the assistance and participation from Jeff Heller, gave an attention grabbing Tech-talk about the History of the Man…George Westinghouse and his con-tributions to the development of railroads, electricity and communications. During our Awards Banquet, 51 attendees were entertained by Dan Gallo from 97.1 FM radio and his stories about his experiences in that industry.This Convention was extended into Sunday morning with a swap meet held from 7AM til noon. This was the first time HVRA and the Marriott were able to coordinate a Sunday swap meet and it was attended very well considering the short notice to members. On the following page, you will read Tom Taylor’s report on the Old Equipment Contest. Tom deserves a big applause for coordinating that event and overcoming technical difficulties that challenged his excellent Awards Banquet presenta-tion


by Tom Taylor

This year’s exhibitors contest brought opportunity to win one of the new blue and white ribbons depicting the extraordi-nary efforts at a greater distance. In addition, we introduced something unique in white for the Westinghouse KDKA convention theme award which could have been attained regardless of additional recognition. Although participation was a bit short of customary this year, there were again some rare treats including many from our northern friends.

Best Restoration                                       RCA 14X                            Mr. G. E. Stover
Best Vintage Eqmt                                    SNR Excelsior                 Mr. Jeff Heller
Artifact and Collections                         Transmitting  Tubes      Mr. Reid Shipp
Exhibitor’s Choice                                    Home Built Radios        Mr. Ed Mustoe
Best of Show                                               Home Built Radios        Mr. Ed Mustoe
Best of Show Runner Up                        Cowboy Radios               Mr. Jeff Heller
People’s Choice                                                                                        Mr. Mustoe
Convention Theme                                     Westinghouse                Mr. Ed Janssen