November 10, 2024

Club Bylaws

Section 1.  The name of the association shall be The Houston Vintage Radio Association.  All uses of the word “Association” within these Bylaws will be in reference to the Houston Vintage Radio Association,
Section 2.  The name of the Association shall be abbreviated as “HVRA”.
Section 1.  To encourage members to collect and preserve vintage radios, related equipment, literature, and memorabilia.
Section 2.  To provide services as an information and resource center.  Record radio history and related technology of   the Houston area.
Section 3.  To disseminate information and members’ classified ads through a periodic publication and (the   Association website).
Section 4.  To meet monthly at a convenient time and place where people interested in vintage radio may become acquainted.
Section 5.  To have periodic programs related to vintage radio.
Section 6.  To establish displays, when convenient, at museums, schools, shopping centers, etc.
Section 7.  To provide speakers for schools, the Association, radio and television stations, museums, libraries, etc., in   order to inform the public about the history of radio, related technology and the Association.
Section 8.  To provide a yearly show and auction.
Section 9.  To support the creation of a radio and electronics museum for the Houston area.
Section 1.  Membership shall be extended to all persons regardless of age, sex, race, national origin, and religious or political beliefs.
Section 2.  Each application for membership or renewal is subject to approval by the Executive Board.
Section 3.  Annual membership dues will be set by the Executive Board 
Section 4.  Honorary membership may be granted by the Executive Board.
Section 1.  The regular meeting of the Association shall be held each month.  The time and day shall be set by the Executive Board.
Section 2.  The regular meeting in September shall be known as the Annual Meeting and be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving annual reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that shall arise.
Section 3.  Special meetings can be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Board.  Except in cases of an emergency, four days’ notice shall be given.
(Article IV continued)
Section 4.  Twelve members shall constitute a quorum at the monthly Association meetings.
Section 5.  At each regular Association meeting an auction shall be conducted by an auctioneer.  The President may cancel any monthly auction.  All monies will be collected immediately after the auction.  Ten percent of each member sale transaction and 100% of all HVRA donations, will be retained for the Association’s general fund.
Section 6. Regular meetings will be open to all Association members, their families and guests.  The Executive Board may exclude the attendance of non-members and/or of persons whose dues have not been paid.
Section 1.  The officers of the Association shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, a historian, an editor, a webmaster, and four representatives at large.  Other officers may be created by the Association.  Officers of the Association can hold more than one office.  All officers shall be at least 21 years of age and be members in good standing.
Section 2.  All elected officer positions, in which the term has expired, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting in September.
Section 3.  Officers shall be elected by a simple majority.  Should a tie occur and none withdraw, the tie will be broken by a toss of a coin. 
Section 4.  The Editor and Webmaster shall be appointed or removed from office by recommendation of the President with agreement by a majority of the Executive Board.
Section 5.  Vacancies in office shall be filled for the unexpired balance of term by a special election at the Association’s next meeting or, in case of emergency, by a majority of the Executive Board.
Section 6.  Newly elected officers will be informed by their predecessor or the President as to the function and duties of the office.  Predecessor will turn over all relative documents including a current copy of the HVRA BYLAWS.
Section 7. A two-thirds majority of the general membership, present at a regular or special meeting, is required to remove an elected officer from his or her post.
Section 1.  President
Paragraph 1.  Shall lead the membership in a manner consistent with the Association objectives (ARTICLE II) and these Bylaws.
Paragraph 2.  Shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board.
Paragraph 3.  Shall appoint all committees and chairpersons, except for those assigned to the Vice President.
Paragraph 4.  Shall recommend, appoint, or remove the Association Auctioneer.
Paragraph 5.  Shall appoint or be chairman of the program committee.
(Article VI, continued)
Section 2.  Vice President
Paragraph 1.  In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall serve in the President’s place.
Paragraph 2.  If the Presidential post is vacated, the Vice President shall become interim President.
Paragraph 3.  Shall assist the President.
Paragraph 4.  Shall be responsible for the Annual Show and Auction.
Section 3.  Secretary
Paragraph 1.  Shall take minutes of the Association meetings.
Paragraph 2.  Shall coordinate the official membership roll.
Paragraph 3.  Shall make minutes and records available to members upon request.
Paragraph 4.  Shall maintain the record book(s) in which the Bylaws and minutes are entered with any amendments to these documents properly recorded and to have the current record book(s) on hand at every meeting.
Paragraph 5.  Shall act as presiding officer at meetings of the Association and the Executive Board in the absence of the President and the Vice President.
Paragraph 6.  Shall report the minutes of the Executive Board to the general membership upon request.
Paragraph 7.  Shall act as assistant to the Treasurer as needed.
Paragraph 8.  If the office of Treasurer is vacated, the Secretary, with approval from the Executive Board, shall become interim Treasurer.
Section 4.  Treasurer
Paragraph 1.  The Treasurer is the officer entrusted with the accounts and funds of the Association.  These funds shall be maintained in a bank account as approved by the Executive Board.  Signature authority on this account shall consist of the President, the Vice President and the Treasurer.  Checks issued from this account will require one signature of authorization.
Paragraph 2.  Shall maintain a detailed record of all transactions, collections, and disbursements of funds, goods, and Association dues.  These records will be maintained in a form as approved by the Executive Board.
Paragraph 3.  Shall keep an accounting of membership dues and assist the Editor in notifying members at least one month in advance of membership expiration.
Paragraph 4.  Shall make records available for audits as directed by the Executive Board and shall make records available within five days for any special audit.
Paragraph 5.  The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report to be presented at the Annual Meeting.
Section 5.  Historian
Paragraph 1.  Shall maintain all historical records of the Association including one copy of each Association publication.
Paragraph 2.  Shall maintain a copy of the Official history of the Association in a “scrap book along with suitable photographs and newspaper clippings regarding the activities of the Association and its members
(Article VI, continued)
Section 6.  Representative at Large – Position One
Paragraph 1.  Shall serve as Contest or Auction Chairperson at the Annual Show and Auction.
Paragraph 2.  Shall perform other special tasks as assigned by the President.
Section 7.  Representative at Large – Position Two 
Paragraph 1.  Shall serve as Contest or Auction Chairperson at the Annual Show and Auction.
Paragraph 2.  Shall perform other special tasks as assigned by the President.
Section 8.  Representative at Large – Position Three
Paragraph 1.  Shall serve as the Program chairman responsible for coordination and enablement of the Monthly meeting programs both in-person and virtual.  Shall seek input from the board and gain approval from the board for the schedule of programs. 
Paragraph 2.  Shall assist with the execution of the monthly and convention auctions in the capacity of electronic records keeping (auction software).
Section 9.  Representative at Large – Position Four
Paragraph 1.  Shall be responsible for working with assessment, coordination, and inventorying of estates that HVRA will assist with liquidation.
Paragraph 2.  Shall maintain the HVRA policy for terms and condition that HVRA will enter into with estates.  Said terms and conditions shall be voted on for approval by the Board of Directors.
Paragraph 3.  Shall seek assistance from board members and other club members in the execution of their duties.
Section 10.  Editor
Paragraph 1.  Is responsible for the quarterly publication and will have the publication mailed.
Paragraph 2.  The Editor may request assistance to publish and distribute the quarterly publication. 
Paragraph 3.  The Editor will provide an additional copy for the Association’s Historian.
Paragraph 4.  The Editor shall provide event photos, articles, and other pertinent documents and periodic publications to the Webmaster.
Section 11.  Webmaster
Paragraph 1.  Is responsible for the upkeep and timely maintenance of the Association’s scheduled events and publication on the website.
Paragraph 2.  The Webmaster may request assistance in order to produce articles and maintain the website.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Association per Article V, Section 1.
Section 2.  The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association between its regular monthly meetings, make recommendations to the Association general membership, and perform other duties as specified within the Bylaws of the Association.  Actions of the Executive Board shall not conflict with the majority of the Association membership.
Section 3.  Unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board, regular meetings of the Executive Board shall precede the Association meeting.  Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or upon the agreement of three Board members.
Section 4.  Five voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
The Association Vice President will chair the Annual Show and Auction committee(s).  Date and site selections shall be presented for approval to the Executive Board six months prior to the event.
The rule contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
These Bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the attending members, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous regular meeting and a notice of the amendment(s) appears on the Association’s website.
The yearly audit will be conducted after the Annual Show and Auction but before the month prior to the Annual Meeting.  A special audit may be requested by the Executive Board or by an approved motion at any Association meeting.  Audits will be conducted by the Executive Board or an appointed committee.  The Treasurer will normally be present during any audit.
Officers shall be elected for a term of two years.  The terms of each officer shall be implemented in such a manner that approximately one-half of the officers’ terms will expire each year.
This Association is not organized and shall not be operated for pecuniary gain or profit.  No part of the property of the Association and no part of its net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private individual.  This Association shall never be authorized to engage in a regular business of a kind ordinarily carried on for profit or in any other Association activity 
except in furtherance of the purposes stated above for which the Association is organized.  The Association shall never engage in propaganda, attempt to influence legislation or participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office, nor shall any part of its property or any part of the income therefrom be devoted to such purpose.
In the event of the dissolution of this Association, to the extent allowed under applicable law, all of the assets of the Association shall be distributed to a registered 501 (c) (3 or 7) non-profit organization which shall be selected by the Executive Board of this Association.
In the event that, for any reason, upon the dissolution of this Association, the Board of Directors shall fail to act in a manner herein provided, the assets shall be distributed in accordance with the law governing the distribution of assets of a 501 (c) (7) non-profit organization in the jurisdiction in which the Association is located.
History of Amendments to the Bylaws of HVRA (not part of the Bylaws)
Bylaws January 1981 first publication
Bylaws January 1987 second publication
Bylaws amended March 1988
Bylaws amended August 1989
Bylaws amended August 1991
Bylaws amended October 2003 
Bylaws amended May-June Changes to Article VI, Section 1: omitted paragraph 5 and renumbered paragraph 6 to paragraph 5; Section 2: omitted paragraph 4 and renumbered paragraph 5 to paragraph 4; Section 3: changes to paragraphs 1, 2, 6 and 7; Section 4: changes to paragraphs 1, 2 and 4, omit paragraph 5 and renumber paragraph 6 to paragraph 5; Section 5: Omit paragraph 2, 4 and renumber paragraph 3 to paragraph 2; Sectiwo on 6: add Position I to office title, change paragraph 1; Section 7: add Position II to office title.
Bylaws amended July-August 2004 Changes to Article VII Section 1 and Section 4; Article VIII; Article X; Article XI
Bylaws amended August 13, 2013
Bylaws amended September, 2014 – Addition of Articles XIII and XIV
Updated by Jimmie Stewart 2014
Retyping and grammatical edits by Jerry Sirkin, January 19, 2018
Bylaws edited on December 10, 2020, by Jerry Sirkin to reflect amendments for the addition of two Representatives at Large Positions Three and Four.  Editing to change paragraph 2 of Editor’s duties, The Editor may request assistance in order to publish and distribute the monthly publication, to read: The Editor may request assistance in order to publish and distribute the quarterly publication.